Key Themes

Easter 3A

PODCAST: Courtesy of Fr. Andrew Ricci (Superior, Wisconsin) *

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Sunday Readings & Backgrounds



Were not our hearts burning within us as he spoke?

Lk 24:13-35

  • In today’s Gospel, a stranger joins the disciples as they journey to Emmaus.
  • It was not unusual for a person living in the region at the time to invite a stranger to be their guest and share a meal.
  • The stranger/guest in today’s Gospel suddenly becomes the host, and the disciples receive from him the Bread of Life.


My heart has been glad

Acts 2:14, 22-33

  • In the first reading from Acts, Peter tells the story of Jesus.
  • For the Israelites, the Resurrection is a sign that Jesus is the “anointed one”.
  • Today’s passage reveals that Jesus is both Lord of heaven and the Messiah sent to save Israel.


It is through him that you are believers

1 Pt 1:17-21

  • Today’s letter from 1 Peter aims to encourage Christians to remain faithful in the face of hardship.
  • The Israelites’ journey through the desert is compared to the journey of the Christian life.
  • For Christians, salvation is ours when we follow in the footsteps of Jesus, sufferings included.

SOURCES: Titles and key points courtesy of Our Sunday Visitor; The clipart is from the archive of Father Richard Lonsdale © 2000. The clipart may be freely reproduced in any non-profit publication.

Acrostic Poems

Easter 3A


Road to Emmaus

R ising early, they set out on the way,
O n their journey towards Emmaus that day,
A nd as they walked, a stranger appeared,
D eciphering scripture and making things clear.

T aking them through the words of the Prophets,
O n the road to Emmaus, their hearts warmed like sets,
E ager to reach their destination,
M aking every step towards their local station.

M emories of Christ came rushing back,
A nd they recognized him as the stranger, that fact.
U nderstood that he was resurrected,
S o they ran to tell the disciples, euphoric and connected.



R edemption bought with precious blood,
E nters into our hearts as a flood.
V erdict of sinners made pure and clean,
E ternally saved, in glory supreme.
R enewed by the Spirit, our faith secure,
A hope that endures, forever sure.
N ot by our merit but by His grace,
C hrist paid the price, our sins to erase.
E agerly awaiting His second coming.


Easter 3A


Two walked to Emmaus,
Heart heavy with grief and doubts.
Jesus joined their walk.

The stranger spoke words,
Opening up scripture’s truth,
Hope dawned on their hearts.

As they shared a meal,
Jesus broke bread and they knew,
Their Lord had risen.

With joy and new faith,
The two returned to their friends,
Jesus lives! He reigns!


Wisdom comes from God,
Understanding and knowledge,
Seek them with all heart.

Fools spurn correction,
But the wise receive rebuke,
Gaining more knowledge.

Treasure good wisdom,
It preserves and guides our paths,
Making life joyful.

With wisdom as guide,
We walk in righteousness’ way,
Blessed for all our days.


Jesus, from Nazareth
A man of signs, wonders, and
God’s own anointed

Betrayed, was Jesus
By those who should have known him
Condemned to die, wept

Innocent yet scorned
Shamed, beaten, and crucified
Oh, what love he showed

Yet death could not hold
The Son of God, the Rescuer
He rose! He’s alive!

Iambic Pentameter Sonnets

Easter 3A


On the Road to Emmaus

As two disciples walked a dusty road
Their hearts were heavy, filled with mournful dread.
Their Lord had died, a crushing heavy load
And now they questioned what the future led.

A stranger joined them as they walked along
And asked what troubles caused their downcast view.
They spoke of Christ, by whom they once were strong
But now had died and left them feeling blue.

The stranger then explained the ancient word
And how the Christ would suffer, then arise.
Their eyes were opened, seeing truth they’d heard
As he broke bread before their very eyes.

Their hearts then burned with hope once more renewed
As Christ revealed himself, and faith ensued.

Sunday Mass

Upon the road to ancient Emmaus,
Two travelers walked, hearts heavy with grief.
Jesus himself approached them, they knew not
And spoke of scripture with great belief.

Their eyes were opened when they sat to dine,
Broke bread with the risen Christ, now known,
For in the Eucharist, he is divine,
His love and sacrifice clearly shown.

This Christ who walks beside us every day,
Shares our grief, blessings, and every tear.
His love and mercy wash our sins away,
His grace and peace help us conquer fear.

And when we break the bread at Mass each week,
Our hearts are open to the Lord we seek.

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Sunday Prep Videos

Easter 3A