Small Group Sharing

Easter (ABC)

The Empty Tomb

Have you ever seen something so unusual that the experience gave you pause? Did you jump to a conclusion? What happened?

SOURCE: Larry Broding | Word-Sunday

Our Sunday Readings – Study Guide

SOURCE: Edrianne Ezell
Small group faith sharing scripture study by VInce Contreras

Study Questions

  • In the 1st Reading from the Acts of the Apostles, Peter is speaking to the first Gentile (non- Jewish) converts to Christianity. What was their response to his message that the Jesus they had heard something about had bee raised from the dead (see Acts 10:44-49)? What should our reaction be?
  • According to St. Paul in the 2nd Reading, what should we be preoccupied with (verse 2)? Why?
    What has happened to us (verse 1, 3)? What will happen to us (verse 4)?
  • Put yourself in the place of Mary. What is your emotional state in the days following the
    crucifixion? Why do you go to the tomb so early? How do you react to the empty tomb?
  • According to the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds, how long was Jesus dead and his body in the
    tomb (John 2:18-22; Acts 10:40; CCC 994)? What did Jesus do for that time while in the tomb
    (1 Peter 3:19, 4:6; CCC 631-33)?
  • What had the disciples been told in advance about Jesus rising from the dead (Matthew 16:21,
    27:63)? How do the positions of the linen shroud and the napkin provide corroborating
    evidence of the Resurrection? What is your proof that Jesus rose from the dead?
  • How should we respond to the empty tomb? Why did John preach the message (John 19:35,
    17:20; 1 John 5:13)? When a loved one dies or life seems cruel or a drudgery, how does the
    Resurrection of Jesus help you deal with your pain?
SOURCE: Sunday Scripture Study for Catholics