Diversity and Inclusion

Easter 2A

Diversity and Inclusion, Sunday Readings

Diversity and Inclusion, Sunday Readings

Diversity and Inclusion, Sunday Readings

Diversity and Inclusion, Sunday Readings

Diversity and Inclusion, Sunday Readings

Through his peace, vulnerability, and acceptance of doubting Thomas, Jesus provides a model for building inclusive communities

Diversity and Inclusion

The Gospel of John 20:19-31 tells the story of the resurrected Jesus appearing to his disciples. In this account, Jesus repeats the phrase “peace be with you” several times as he reveals his wounds to the disciples, proving he has indeed risen from the dead. One of the disciples, Thomas, was not present during this initial appearance and expresses doubt when he is told about it by the others. However, when Jesus appears again and invites Thomas to touch his wounds, Thomas believes.

This passage offers important implications for diversity and inclusion in our modern society. First, Jesus offers his peace to all of the disciples, regardless of their personalities or statuses. The disciples were a diverse group, including fishermen, a tax collector, and others with varying backgrounds, yet Jesus welcomes them all with his message of peace. This teaches us that acceptance and inclusion should extend beyond skin color, gender, and other factors that often separate us from one another.

Moreover, Jesus specifically shows his wounds, which were a source of shame and humiliation during his crucifixion, to the disciples. He does not hide his scars, but rather shows them openly, which demonstrates a level of vulnerability and honesty that is often lacking in society today. This can be seen as a reminder that diversity and inclusion require vulnerability and open communication in order to bridge differences and create community.

The story of Thomas is particularly relevant to the modern discourse surrounding diversity and inclusion. Thomas initially doubts the testimony of his fellow disciples and demands tangible proof in order to believe. In the end, however, Thomas is included in the group of believers and comes to believe in Jesus’ resurrection. This shows that inclusion requires not only willingness and openness from those who are already in the group, but also acceptance and effort from those who are seeking to join.

Additionally, Jesus does not criticize or condemn Thomas for his doubts, but rather offers him the very proof he needs in order to believe. This again reinforces the idea that diversity and inclusion require a willingness to listen and understand perspectives and experiences that differ from our own.

Finally, the story of Jesus’ wounds is a powerful symbol for the reality of discrimination and oppression that many face in our society. Marginalized communities often bear physical and emotional scars as a result of discrimination and systemic injustice. Just as Jesus bears his wounds openly, we must acknowledge and address the wounds of those who have been oppressed and work towards healing and justice for all.

In conclusion, the Gospel of John 20:19-31 offers a powerful message of diversity and inclusion. Through his peace, vulnerability, and acceptance of doubting Thomas, Jesus provides a model for building inclusive communities that welcome all people regardless of their backgrounds or beliefs. Ultimately, we must strive to create communities that recognize and celebrate the diversity of humanity, working towards healing the wounds of the oppressed and building a more just and inclusive society.


Catholic Answers. Catholic Apologetics
Going Deeper

By celebrating our differences and showing inclusion and respect towards others, we can create a harmonious and productive community

Diversity and Inclusion

In Acts 2:42-47, we see the early Christian community coming together in unity, sharing their possessions and breaking bread together. This passage exemplifies the importance of diversity and inclusion in any community.

Firstly, the text emphasizes the diversity of the early church members. The people were from different nations and cultures, speaking different languages, yet they were able to come together and share a common belief. This diversity played a pivotal role in the success of the group because it allowed for different perspectives and experiences to be shared amongst its members. This demonstrates that diversity not only increases the potential for innovation and creativity, it also promotes understanding and empathy as people come to appreciate the uniqueness of each other.

Another important aspect of this passage is the spirit of inclusion which is displayed. It is said that all who believed were together and had everything in common. This means that no one was excluded from the community; everyone was equally welcome and valued. Inclusivity is important in bringing people together in a positive way that fosters creativity, conversation, and mutual respect. There were no barriers or obstacles created by personal biases or other limitations – everyone was encouraged to contribute to the community in meaningful ways.

This sense of inclusion is further demonstrated in the sharing of possessions. The idea of a shared economy was critical to their success as they were able to distribute resources so that everyone had enough. This approach is related to the larger concept of wealth redistribution which can be seen as a direct action in promoting inclusion and dismantling inequalities that may normally exist in society. This can be interpreted as a call within the Christian community to consider a redistribution of resources in our contemporary world as people continue to disproportionately benefit from systems of power and privilege.

The key to unlocking the full potential of diversity and inclusion is establishing a sense of community through mutual respect and shared goals. These qualities are exemplified in the acts of the early Christian community. Because the group was bound together by their common beliefs, its members could share in each other’s successes and concerns, celebrate each other’s strengths, and encourage each other even in times of struggle. This gave the group a powerful sense of efficiency and purpose that enabled them to accomplish great things.

Furthermore, the passage also highlights the importance of the spiritual experience and communal tradition in keeping diverse and inclusive groups cohesive. Sharing history and purpose enables individuals to find commonality and purpose over their differences. In order to work together, people need to feel a sense of trust and respect towards one another, and understanding each other’s cultures helps to build the empathy necessary for achieving this.

In conclusion, this passage demonstrates that diversity and inclusion are indispensable to human growth and progress, and they can point towards relevant topics for us to consider even in the modern world. By celebrating our differences and showing inclusion and respect towards others, we can create a harmonious and productive community. The early Christians were able to embody these values to great effect, promoting a sharing economy and equal representation amongst its members as they worked together for a common goal, transcending their differences and enriching each other in ways they might have never experienced otherwise. Today, we ought to bear these lessons in mind as we strive to realize new visions of diversity and inclusion in our own communities.


Catholic Answers. Catholic Apologetics
Going Deeper

In embracing diversity, we honor the creative power and infinite wisdom of God while also realizing the immense potential of the human soul

Diversity and Inclusion

The concept of diversity and inclusion is a key discussion point in modern-day society, and it is important to understand how it relates to our faith in Christ. In 1 Peter 1:3-9, the apostle describes the importance of hope, love, and faith to help believers remain steadfast during times of trial and hardship. Using this passage, I argue that diversity and inclusion are necessary for our spiritual growth, as we learn to love our fellow believers and appreciate their unique qualities.

The first theme that is emphasized in Peter’s passage is the importance of hope. During times of trial, we are reminded that our hope in Christ is a powerful force that can sustain us when all other sources of comfort fail. This message is particularly relevant when discussing diversity and inclusion. We need hope to champion diversity and ensure that it is protected in our community of faith.

To truly understand the importance of diversity, we must recognize our human limitations. None of us can comprehend the full depth and complexity of God’s creative power. We all come with our idiosyncrasies and personalities that have been shaped by our experiences, culture, and upbringing. Allowing this unique perspective into our community of faith can broaden our understanding of faith and enable us to appreciate God’s love and creative power in new ways.

Another important theme that runs throughout Peter’s passage is the power of relationship-building. This message has direct implications for advocates of diversity and inclusion. Building a community of faith that is welcoming and inclusive requires intentional actions that help to foster healthy and mutually-beneficial relationships.

In 1 Peter 1:8, the apostle emphasizes the critical state of faith, characterizing it as “joy that is inexpressible and full of glory.” Faith unites people regardless of their background, and the act of living out our faith means showing compassion and love for all people. In creating a diverse and inclusive community, we are showing our faith by extending love to those that may have traditionally been excluded or marginalized.

1 Peter 1:9 reiterates the importance of hope and faith, underscoring the idea that it is only through the testing of our faith that we will be able to appreciate the blessings of visible hope. In the same way, our commitment to diversity and inclusion, through the difficult times, serves to solidify our commitment to Christ and strengthens our spiritual resolve.

In bringing together people from all walks of life, the Christian community can be an agent of positive change for society. We are called to be light in a world that can be dark and divisive, encouraging and supporting those we come into contact with. As advocates of diversity and inclusion, we must focus on promoting an environment in which love, empathy, and understanding can flourish.

In conclusion, 1 Peter 1:3-9 highlights the importance of hope, faith and love within the Christian community. The themes that run through this passage are pertinent for advocates of diversity and inclusion, helping us understand the fundamental importance of acceptance, relationship-building, and mutual support. The principles of diversity and inclusion are central to the Christian faith and have far-reaching implications for spiritual growth, community building, and personal testimony. In embracing diversity, we honor the creative power and infinite wisdom of God while also realizing the immense potential of the human soul.


Catholic Answers. Catholic Apologetics
Going Deeper
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